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Expert: Preserving river will help keep water catchment area
Read More Date 04-Feb-2019  | Category  
#Showbiz: 'Never treat our rivers as dumpsters' – Maya Karin
Read More Date 01-Feb-2019  | Category  
Clean water supply on tap
Read More Date 25-Jan-2019  | Category  
Malaysia needs a river commission
Read More Date 23-Jan-2019  | Category  
Thaipusam's uncollected smashed coconuts end up in landfills
Read More Date 23-Jan-2019  | Category  
Stop throwing foreign fish species into our waters, public warned
Read More Date 16-Jan-2019  | Category  
Life is good! KL's River of Life makes list of world's 10 Best Waterfront Districts
Read More Date 08-Jan-2019  | Category  
Sand washing legal, says operator; nonsense, says mayor
Read More Date 03-Jan-2019  | Category  
Sand pirates back in action
Read More Date 02-Jan-2019  | Category  
Sukarnya hendak pulihkan sungai 'rosak'!
Read More Date 22-Dec-2018  | Category  
Ini 51 sungai tercemar di Malaysia...
Read More Date 22-Dec-2018  | Category  
Students from five nations discuss water issues
Read More Date 19-Dec-2018  | Category  
'Amount of food wasted by Malaysians enough to feed 12 million people a day'
Read More Date 18-Dec-2018  | Category  
Water is life, use it wisely, don't waste it
Read More Date 13-Dec-2018  | Category  
Motion to review the de-gazetting of Pulau Kukup's National Park status passed by Johor state assembly
Read More Date 06-Dec-2018  | Category  
Our attitude can save the environment
Read More Date 06-Dec-2018  | Category  
Going all out to take composting to a new level
Read More Date 28-Nov-2018  | Category  
Inventory to ensure rivers, infrastructure well maintained
Read More Date 27-Nov-2018  | Category  
Clean water issue solution on the cards
Read More Date 27-Nov-2018  | Category  
Going plastic-free by 2020
Read More Date 24-Nov-2018  | Category  

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