Cyberjaya Lake Gardens Natural Wetland Conservation and Restoration Programme

This phase of the project implemented in partnership with Majlis Perbandaran Sepang, Society of Ecological Restoration and with support of Microsoft focuses on protecting and restoring the natural wetland area that exists within Cyberjaya Lake Gardens. There is a concern that if the area is not sustainably managed and conserved, it might lead to further degradation of the ecosystem and the biodiversity that it supports. Therefore, this project will look at establishing a wetland nursery from which wetland plants will be used to enhance and expand the existing natural wetland area through planting activities. The project will also look into using the existing natural environment for educational purposes through the establishment of the Cyberjaya Lake Garden Biodiversity Trail. With the establishment of the trail and the development of the Cyberjaya Natural Wetland Conservation and Interpretation Programme, the public will be able to learn about the various terrestrial and wetland flora and fauna which exist within Cyberjaya Lake Garden and the importance of protecting them to raise awareness and ownership.


  • Conserve and restore the existing natural wetland within Cyberjaya Lake Garden through the establishment of a native wetland plant nursery and introducing more wetland island/cells
  • Promote the wetland area for recreational and educational purposes through the establishment of the Cyberjaya Lake Garden Biodiversity Trail
  • Develop the Cyberjaya Natural Wetland Conservation and Interpretation Programme to educate the public on the importance of protecting the ecosystem and raise awareness


  • Establishment of wetland nursery
  • Implementation of wetland islands/cells
  • World Wetland Day celebration
  • Cyberjaya Lake Garden Biodiversity Trail Establishment
  • Development of Cyberjaya Natural Wetland Conservation and Interpretation Programme (info sheet and awareness materials)

Expected outcomes

  • Protection and expansion of the natural wetland area with improved biodiversity
  • Greater awareness amongst the public on the functions of the wetland area and importance of protecting it
  • The wetland area functioning as an education site through the establishment of the Cyberjaya Lake Garden Biodiversity Trail and Cyberjaya Natural Wetland Conservation and Interpretation Programme

Activities carried out:

Wetland nursery

Wetland cell

Volunteer activity