Stewardship For A Healthy Kinta River Basin Through Green Living Practices
This project is a 3 years project implemented by Global Environment Centre (GEC) in partnership with Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Perak and funded by Yayasan Hasanah (YH) with aims to achieve Healthy Kinta River Basin in long term. Currently, Sg Kinta is only evaluated through DOE's WQI which latest report recorded 83 (Class II, clean) (EQR, 2020). However, this project want to redefine the definition of healthy river in line with living river concept as promoted and adopted globally as well by Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Malaysia. Healthy Kinta River Basin consists of three (3) aspects which are physico-chemical river water quality (PCR WQ), biological water quality (BWQ) and stakeholder engagement (SE)
The project will support stewardship by civil society and other stakeholders of the Kinta River Basin towards healthy and vibrant transformation with the green living practices implemented through a Strategy for Community Engagement in Integrated River Basin Management (SCE-IRBM) with the aid of KRHT and monitoring plan
Target Beneficiaries:
- Government Agencies
- Local Communities
- Local NGO/CBOs
- Business Groups (Industry and Agriculture)
- Citizens
Our Goal:
- River health and local community engagement around Kinta River Basin within the Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM)
- Green living practices by stakeholders as well as implementation of green living model and initiatives with support of project stakeholders
Our Objectives:
- To develop, implement and promote a strategy for river health improvement and community engagement within the Kinta River Basin into Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM)
- To promote, empower and implement river basin stewardship through green living concept and Public Outreach Programme (POP) Approach among local communities, public, businesses, NGO/CBOs and agencies within Kinta River Basin Management.
Key Activities:
- Conduct Rapid Environmental Assessment Study (river) Kinta River Basin.
- Develop and promote KRHT monitoring maps and plans are developed and promoted for adoption as guidelines for key stakeholders to plan, protect and implement BMPs to achieve the desired River Health Targets
- Develop and promote The Community Involvement Strategy in IRBM (SCE-IRBM)to be adopted by the agency to achieve a healthy Kinta River Basin
- Encourage local communities to care and maintain the health of the Kinta River Basin through green living practices
- Establish Friends of Kinta River Basin (FOKRIB) to implement green living initiatives holistically and monitors the health of Sg Kinta continuously by utilizing KRHT.
- Train other stakeholders (Government Agencies, Business Groups*, and NGOs) in the Sungai River Kinta Basin are trained to lead green living practices
- Actively promote UKBMaS initiatives to stakeholders through UKB education hubs and guided walk activities.
- Train targeted vulnerable community groups on community based flood preparedness and develop community based flood hazard map
- Carry out visibility projects and initiatives through information materials, websites and social media
Activities Implemented